2019년 6월 6일 목요일

2019 Canada_What I saw, learned and felt in ST.Francis Xavier SS

CLASS Observation

1. Daily Schedule at ST. FSt. fransis Xavier

*Opening bell 8:12

*English office 3rd floor

*Home room 8:17-8:20
*1st period 8:20-9:35am
2nd floor @ESL Resource room

*2nd period 9:40-10:55am
@room- 209 2nd floor

*3rd period
3A - 11:00-11:40am
3B - 11:40-12:20am (lunch)
@room 304
3C - 12:20-1:00pm (lunch, Liz)

*4th period

*Final Dismissal Bell 2:24pm

1) ESL Resource Class (1st Period)

* One student's study material

 2) ESL (Split Class)
- Use three different Text books with students from Grade7 to Grade12

*During the Class

*Materials they use
- Text books

- Houdouts and Assignment

*Crome books and a digital based class room
- Upload and download to share class materials and assignments using google classroom, drive and the board of Education designing web-site (according to each teacher's preference)

3) 2nd Peroid_OSSLT Course (For students who failed in Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test)
*Class Room

*Text book

*Students' Presentation

* Assignment and its Rubric

(**My mentor teacher uses RubiStar**)


4. 3rd Period_Pre IB English Class, Grade 10

*Text book


*Previous assignment

5. IB_Philosophy Grade12

*Text book

*In Class

* IB Philosophy Course Introduction

6. Art class

*Things that are given by my mentor teacher

*Other observation in teachers' room/ English Department

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