2019년 4월 18일 목요일

20190419_Essay class_What I talk about when I talk about running_1

Essay class_What I talk about when I talk about running

[Stretch yourself]

A. About the author, Haruki Murakami

1949년 일본 교토시에서 태어나 효고현 아시야시에서 자랐다. 1968년 와세다 대학교 제1문학부에 입학했다. 재즈 카페를 운영하던 중 1979바람의 노래를 들어라로 제81회 군조 신인 문학상을 수상하며 29세에 데뷔했다. 1982양을 쫓는 모험으로 제4회 노마 문예 신인상을, 1985세계의 끝과 하드보일드 원더랜드로 제21회 다니자키 준이치로 상을 수상했다. 미국 문학에서 영향을 받은 간결하고 세련된 문체와 현대인이 느끼는 고독과 허무의 감성은 당시 젊은이들로부터 큰 공감을 불러일으켜 작가의 이름을 문단과 대중에게 널리 알렸다. 1987년 발표한 노르웨이의 숲은 일본에서 폭발적인 반응을 얻은 후, 일본을 넘어 세계적으로 무라카미 하루키 붐을 일으켰다. 댄스 댄스 댄스, 언더그라운드, 스푸트니크의 연인, 신의 아이들은 모두 춤춘다, 어둠의 저편, 도쿄 기담집, 1Q84등 수많은 장편소설, 단편소설, 에세이, 번역서를 발표했다. 현재 그의 작품은 45개 이상의 언어로 번역되어 전 세계 독자들로부터 사랑받고 있다.
B. Talk about and share stories in pairs.

1. Are there anything that you do everyday for your health?

2. Do you agree or disagree that life is unfair?

[Dive into the reading]

August 14, 2005.
Tips on Becoming a Running Novelist
I used to tend to gain weight, but around that time my weight stabilized at where it should be. Exercising every day, I naturally reached my ideal weight, and I discovered this helped my performance. Along with this, my diet started to gradually change as well. I began to eat mostly vegetables, with fish as my main source of protein. I never liked meat much anyway, and this aversion became even more pronounced. I cut back on rice and alcohol and began using all natural ingredients. Sweets weren’t a problem since I never much cared for them. If I don’t do anything I tend to put on the pounds. My wife’s the opposite, since she can eat as much as she likes never exercise, and still not put on any weight, She has no extra fat at all. (A)Life just isn’t fair, is how it used to strike me. Some people can work their butts off and never get what they’re aiming for, while others can get it without any effort at all.
But when I think about it, having the kind of body that easily puts on weight was perhaps (B)a blessing in disguise. In other words, if I don’t want to gain weight I have to work out hard every day watch what I eat, and cut down on indulgences. Life can be tough, but as long as you don’t stint on the effort, your metabolism will greatly improve with these habits, and you’ll end up much healthier, not to mention stronger. But people who naturally keep the weight off no matter what don’t need to exercise or watch their diet in order to stay trim. There can’t be many of them who would go out of their way to take these troublesome measures when they don’t need to. Which is why, in many cases, their physical strength deteriorates as they age. If you don’t exercise, your muscles will naturally weaken, as will your bones.
Some of my readers may be the kind of person who easily gain weight, but the only way to understand what’s really fair is to take a long-range view of things. For the reasons I give above, I think this physical nuisance should be viewed in a positive way, as a blessing. (C)We should consider ourselves lucky that the red light is so clearly visible. Of course, it’s not always easy to see things this way.

A. New vocabulary list

안정시키다, 견고하게 하다
stint on
아끼다, 인색하게 쓰다
혐오, 반감, 아주 싫은 것
신진대사, 기능, 작용
뚜렷한; 명백한; 단호한
to a certain extent
어느 정도까지, 다소
cut back on
tend to
경향이 있다
정돈하다, 손질하다,
깔끔한; 군살 없는
turn down
거절하다, 거부하다
go out of their way
비상한 노력을 하다
work one’s butts off
매우 열심히 일하다
악화되다, 더 나빠지다
축복, 은총, 행복
long-range view
장기적인 안목
변장, 위장, 겉치레, 기만
성가신 것, 골칫거리
cut down on
~을 줄이다
no matter what
멋대로 함, 탐닉; 방종

C. Fill in the blank (4’)
Fill in the blanks with a word from Reading that completes the sentence in a grammatical and meaningful way. Be sure to use the correct form.

He has ɑn a.......... to watching movies.
I promised myself I would c......... b......... o......... sweets this year.
Adults t......... t.... stay angry a long time.
I have w......... m.... b......... o..... trying to convince her I am perfect.
She d......... herself as a boy.
She couldn’t d......... the fact that she felt uncomfortable.
My father c........ d........ o.... salty food as I had advised.
Smoking is his only i....................
She never s........... o..... the food at her parties.
She g.......... o........ o... h...... w........ to help her friend.
Her health d.................... rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards.

D. Comprehension checkup (3’)
1. Mark each sentence as T(true) or F(false) according to the information in Reading. Use the new vocabulary list to help you understand new words.

....... 1. The writer tends to gain weight since he started running exercising everyday becoming much healthier and stronger.
....... 2. His diet drastically has changed from a heavy meat consumer to a vegetarian.
....... 3. The fact that his wife who can eat as much as she likes never exercise, and still not gain any weight having no extra fat at all makes him consider life unfair.
....... 4. Even though it is hard to work out everyday and watch your diet to stay trim, it would pay off immediately.
....... 5. If you can stay trim without any efforts, you are not willing to bother yourself to exercise hard and watch what you eat but your overall health would get worse as time goes by.
....... 6. The author concludes that in the long term, life is not unfair.

2. With your partner, think and talk about what the following phrases mean in the context. (7’)
detailed contextual meaning
(A) Life just isn’t fair
(B) a blessing in disguise
(C) We should consider ourselves lucky that the red light is so clearly visible

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